Friday, November 22, 2013

Did You Know...?

Girls who grow up with an unavailable, unattached or absent father is a fatherless daughter. This one missing element in a girl's life while growing up can have grave consequences when she reaches womanhood. 

Her sense of self will be tainted, her self confidence warped or non-existent, her portrait of a loving relationship may be distorted or dysfunctional and her ability to really succeed in money matters becomes an issue. In other words, she struggles in her relationship with love and her relationship with money. Because both of these are tied into her self worth and value. Many fatherless daughters can earn great money, even 6 & 7 figures, but still find themselves broke or in debt or both. She can find love, but have a difficult time maintaining harmony in the relationship. 

Her children finds it difficult to please her or she maybe over protective, smothering them. She can be DRIVEN by success because of an inner need to be the BEST...which is always admirable...but the fuel source behind it for a fatherless daughter can be dangerous. She has this empty hole that cannot be filled, always trying to be more and do more. She hears from those who love her phrases such as "no matter what I do, it's never enough." No can seem to get it right or make her happy. 

That's because being fatherless has left a hole in her soul that will never be filled until she confronts and deals with her fatherless daughter issues. She must be warned, this process is NOT a simple weekend project. It must be ongoing process until it must become second nature. 

My Fatherless Daughter Breakthrough Private Coaching program is designed to help you move beyond your daddy wounds. This process will not be easy, but it is simple and I will be there with along the way. And it will pave the road to finding inner self confidence and love for oneself, which will in turn led to the abolishment of the need for finding these things in another. 

This is one of the roads to inner freedom! Email me your name, phone and best time to contact you. and let's move your life forward....Much love, Angela

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Are You Ready to Show Up?

Can you believe that we are getting ready for the holiday season? It feels as if we've just completed the summer. If you are like most women, you are wondering where did the time go? I've asked myself that same question. This is also the time of the year where I reflect back to see if I've accomplished the things I said that I would this year. In most cases when I do this, I discover that I didn't reach all of my goals. But I also recognize that there's still time to finish strong. Not in some hustle bustle, nose to the grind kind of way. That way of being simply does not align with the feminine energy of women. 

As women, when we go after our dreams with this kind of "take the bull by the horns" energy, we short circuit our energy field. And as a result, we are left feeling overworked, overwhelmed and in many cases overlooked. Because when your energy field is short circuited....that's like NOT showing up in life at all. And when this happens, our dreams are once again delayed. 

 Yet, one thing I've learned is that "delay does not mean denial." You truly deserve to have your dreams fulfilled and realized. You are already encoded for everything you want at your deepest level. As a divine, vibrational being, nothing can limit you. There's nothing wrong with you. 

You are not broken, you are perfect and loved just the way you are. And no matter what you are going through, it is in divine order and it's only your perception that says otherwise. It's time to get rid of our reasons and our justifications for why we show up less than our divine, magnificent and radiant selves. 

It's your time to shine! So shine my up and shine!