Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Are Not Superwoman!

Yesterday, I was speaking to a member of The Love Story Women Circle and we were sharing with each other the importance of women being apart of a tribal community, such as ours. As women we are inherently tribal.  I can remember a time when women raised their babies together, did laundry together, cooked together and helped each other through the ups and downs of life.

During my child bearing years, I remember giving my old my maternity clothes to the next woman who was pregnant, or as my children out grew their clothing, the clothes automatically went to the next woman who had kids younger than mine.  If someone had a garden, we all were blessed with the fruits of their labor.  One week I'd to pick up everyone's kids from after-school activities, and the next week it was another mommy's turn to play taxi.

If someone's husband walked out on them, the entire tribe gathered our resources to make sure our sister and her children were fed and back on their feet in no time

No one was alone in the tribe, even if they wanted to be. Sunday dinners became shared meals and if someone needed child care, it was never a bother and it was always free.

What happened to those days? What happened to the times when women knew how to make much out of little and we knew the importance of sisterhood and having each other's back?  We have turned out hearts externally to the things which brings us little to no fulfillment. We have become competitive instead of collaborators. We have become covetous instead of complementary. We have become suspicious instead of supportive We live in a time where our beliefs are, "independent, strong women are great women."  This false belief of individualism has costs women the very thing that we most need...each other.

We need other women to encourage us, to unstick us when we get stuck, to love us when we can't love ourselves, to remind us of the important things when we forget, to inspire the "heck" out of us with the unlimited possibilities we have in our lives and to call us on our stuff even when we don't really want them to. 

We need our tribes. We need a community of loving, caring sisters who will provide us with endless amounts of inspiration, empowerment, support and love!

As Women We Need:

  • A safe place to land: The world can sometimes be harsh, but the right tribe of women can provide a safe and sacred space for you to bring your wounded heart. They will wrap you with love and compassion, while allowing you to vent and breathe without ever having to be judged. They will create the space for you to be nurtured, to heal, to grow and move forward.
  • A place where sisters won't let you off the hook: There are times when our thinking and  our behavior  can become  sabotaging to us and these are the times when our tribe is here to call us on our stuff. Everyone of us need that support group that will care enough to confront us on the things that we are doing to neglect ourselves, on our blind spots...the things we can't see for ourselves,  so that we can get back on track and move beyond the real barriers that keeps us from succeeding in life.
  • A place to laugh everyday: Life gives us plenty of opportunity for stress, heartache, overwhelm or depression. It's our job to counter those things with laughter, fun, and connection. Have you ever had a terrible day and called a girlfriend and you both ended up laughing at the utter ridiculousness of it all? Suddenly what you thought was going to "take you out" turned out to be what made you stronger because your tribal sister helped you to see it differently and even laugh about it.  Laughter is an important thing in life. We have enough seriousness. We need more laughter.

Do you want to radically change your life? Then it's time to surround yourself with examples of people who will show you that it's possible. 

You're not Superwoman. You're not a one woman roadshow. Stop trying to be perfect and infallible and so great that you never need anything or anyone. 

You! Need! Support!: practical, emotional, spiritual support. 

If you want to live a deeper, more meaningful existence, then engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations with the people talking about deeper more meaningful things.

Whether you've just had a baby, or you are struggling with food, or you're trying to manage a household, love a family, love a partner, and run a business, for the love of all that is good in the world, ask for support. 
Seek out possibilities, surround yourself with inspiration, and what seemed impossible will soon become the only thing you know.

I have available such possibilities for you. If you are a woman who recognizes that she needs the love and support of such tribe, then I want to encourage you to become a member of The Love Story Women Circle Today.

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